Source code for mlconjug3.dataset.dataset

This module contains the DataSet class, which holds and manages the data set for conjugating verbs.

It defines helper methods for managing Machine Learning tasks like constructing a training and testing set.

from random import Random
from collections import defaultdict
from mlconjug3.constants import *

[docs]class DataSet: """ | This class holds and manages the data set. | Defines helper methodss for managing Machine Learning tasks like constructing a training and testing set. :param verbs_dict: A dictionary of verbs and their corresponding conjugation class. :ivar verbs_dict: A dictionary of verbs and their corresponding conjugation class. :ivar verbs: A list of all the verbs in the data set. :ivar templates: A list of all the templates in the data set. :ivar verbs_list: A list of all the verbs in the data set, shuffled randomly. :ivar templates_list: A list of the template index of each verb in the shuffled verbs_list. :ivar dict_conjug: A dictionary where the keys are conjugation templates and the values are the verbs that belong to that template. :ivar min_threshold: The minimum number of verbs in a conjugation class for it to be split into a training and testing set. :ivar split_proportion: The proportion of the data set that should be used as the training set. :ivar train_input: A list of the verbs in the training set. :ivar train_labels: A list of the template index of each verb in the training set. :ivar test_input: A list of the verbs in the testing set. :ivar test_labels: A list of the template index of each verb in the testing set. """ def __init__(self, verbs_dict): self.verbs_dict = verbs_dict self.verbs = self.verbs_dict.keys() self.templates = sorted({verb["template"] for verb in self.verbs_dict.values()}) self.verbs_list = [] self.templates_list = [] self.dict_conjug = None self.min_threshold = 8 self.split_proportion = 0.5 self.train_input = [] self.train_labels = [] self.test_input = [] self.test_labels = [] self.construct_dict_conjug() return def __repr__(self): return "{}.{}()".format(__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def construct_dict_conjug(self): """ | Populates the dictionary containing the conjugation templates. | Populates the lists containing the verbs and their templates. """ conjug = defaultdict(list) verb_items = list(self.verbs_dict.items()) Random(42).shuffle(verb_items) for verb, info_verb in verb_items: self.verbs_list.append(verb) self.templates_list.append(self.templates.index(info_verb["template"])) conjug[info_verb["template"]].append(verb) self.dict_conjug = conjug return
[docs] def split_data(self, threshold=8, proportion=0.5): """ Splits the data into a training and a testing set. :param threshold: int. Minimum size of conjugation class to be split. :param proportion: float. Proportion of samples in the training set. Must be between 0 and 1. :raises: ValueError. """ if proportion <= 0 or proportion > 1: raise ValueError(_("The split proportion must be between 0 and 1.")) self.min_threshold = threshold self.split_proportion = proportion train_set = [] test_set = [] for template, lverbs in self.dict_conjug.items(): if len(lverbs) <= threshold: for verbe in lverbs: train_set.append((verbe, template)) else: index = round(len(lverbs) * proportion) for verbe in lverbs[:index]: train_set.append((verbe, template)) for verbe in lverbs[index:]: test_set.append((verbe, template)) Random(42).shuffle(train_set) Random(42).shuffle(test_set) self.train_input = [elmt[0] for elmt in train_set] self.train_labels = [self.templates.index(elmt[1]) for elmt in train_set] self.test_input = [elmt[0] for elmt in test_set] self.test_labels = [self.templates.index(elmt[1]) for elmt in test_set] return
if __name__ == "__main__": pass