Source code for mlconjug3.utils.model_trainer

This module provides the ConjugatorTrainer class, a tool for training, evaluating,
and saving models for conjugating verbs in different languages.

The ConjugatorTrainer class allows the user to train a model for a specific language using the mlconjug3 library.
The user can also evaluate the model's performance and save the trained model for later use.


import multiprocessing
import mlconjug3
import pickle
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
from time import time

[docs]class ConjugatorTrainer: """ Initialize a ConjugatorTrainer instance. :param lang: str. | The language for which the model will be trained. :param output_folder: str. | The directory where the trained model will be saved. :param split_proportion: float. | The proportion of the data set to use for training. :param dataset: class. | The DataSet class from the mlconjug3 library. :param model: obj. | The model to be trained. :ivar lang: Language of the conjugator. :ivar output_folder: Output folder for the trained model. :ivar split_proportion: Proportion of the data set to use for training. :ivar dataset: DataSet class from the mlconjug3 library. :ivar model: Model to be trained. :ivar conjugator: mlconjug3 Conjugator instance. """ def __init__(self, lang, output_folder, split_proportion, dataset, model): self.lang = lang self.output_folder = output_folder self.split_proportion = split_proportion self.dataset = dataset self.model = model # Initialize Conjugator self.conjugator = mlconjug3.Conjugator( self.lang, model=self.model, ) return
[docs] def train(self): """ Train the model using the specified parameters. """ np.random.seed(42) # Initialize Data Set self.dataset.split_data(proportion=self.split_proportion) # Train Conjugator self.conjugator.model.train( self.dataset.verbs_list, self.dataset.templates_list ) # Print training duration print(f"{self.lang} model succesfully trained.") return
[docs] def predict(self): """ Make predictions using the trained model. Returns predictions: list predictions: A list of predictions for the conjugated verbs. """ return self.model.predict(self.dataset.verbs_list)
[docs] def evaluate(self): """ Evaluate the performance of the model's predictions. Prints the score of the model, with the number of misses out of the total number of entries. """ predictions = self.model.predict(self.dataset.verbs_list) score = len( [a == b for a, b in zip(predictions, self.dataset.templates_list) if a == b] ) / len(predictions) misses = len( [a != b for a, b in zip(predictions, self.dataset.templates_list) if a != b] ) entries = len(predictions) print( f"The score of the {self.lang} model is {score} with {misses} misses out of {entries} entries." ) return
[docs] def save(self): """ Save the trained conjugator model to the specified output folder. """ with open( f"{self.output_folder}/trained_model-{self.lang}.pickle", "wb" ) as file: pickle.dump(self.model, file) return